small works

Collections of images exploring themes inspired by the Salish Sea, forests of the Northwest, travel to other countries, stories and dreams.

summer shore

Abstract painting of shoreline and reflections

Trees at the edge of the sea grow lean and muscular with the exposure to ferocious wind, torrents of rain, and long summer drought.

seaside dreaming

Abstract painting evoking seaside dreaming

Invisible forces of gravity are experienced at the edge of the sea.

forest garden

A pond edged by a garden, surrounded by a forest, captures light in a forever changing color mosaic.

small pond

Organically shaped mirrors of still bodies of water reflect patterned rhythms of any disturbance.

flood / float

Abstracted flood, rain, and boats of Venice

A deluge of rains commands the freedom of floating.

dream drawings

Drawing of a lily pad with a face

A language of symbols becomes stories — memories of journeys; memories of dreams.

visual journal

Watercolor sketch of pond with foliage

The art of seeing and interpreting nature is a celebration of light and color.

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